When the holidays are in full swing, the regular school routine will be no more and it will more than likely be an all-around far more relaxed affair. Bedtimes will probably be quite a bit later, with more evening and night screen time available, while the early morning alarm will be forgotten.
After any holiday, be it short or long, going back to school can be challenging for children and parents alike. It’s therefore very worthwhile doing some preparation in advance of the new school term, so that the transition is far easier to make.
Not to mention, a good routine helps to build good habits, ease feelings of anxiety, and reduce stress.
You can easily reduce the stress of returning to school with the following morning routine – tips that really do work. By following these helpful recommendations, as a parent, you can look forward to a calmer, less chaotic, less shouty experience when the actual return to school morning arrives.
As an added bonus, having a solid school morning routine will mean that you, as well as your children, will be more relaxed, better organised, and your kids will arrive on time at school with everything ready for the new term of classes.
Top Tips For A Back To School Routine
The night before school – what to do
Sign everything that needs to be signed – if you haven’t already, sign homework diaries, reading records, and permission slips.
Stump up the cash – any money for snacks, milk, lunches, and school clubs can be put into separate envelopes. Mark each envelope with a name and the amount of money inside.
School bags – these can be packed and at the ready with whatever’s required for the next day.
Make lunches – pack them, then store in the fridge so they’re fresh and easy to grab in the morning.
Get the school uniforms out – iron them if necessary, and do be sure that the shoes are both clean and shiny.
With the kids’ help, put together a morning checklist – add any essentials such as eating breakfast, having a wash, cleaning teeth, brushing hair, and placing the school bag and other essentials beside the door, all ready to go – plus anything else that’s important.
No computer games or TV – morning viewing should be permitted only once everything on the checklist has been checked off.
Make sure that the kids have a good night’s sleep the night before – with a good night’s sleep, everything should go far more smoothly in the morning. Keep a close eye on the back-to-school bedtime.
Morning routine for school
It’s best for you as a parent to rise at least 30 minutes before your kids. This way you’ll be able to enjoy a hit of caffeine as well as an invigorating shower.
Get your kids up at least an hour and a half before you wish to leave the house. Chances are they will not be happy about the early rise, but an early start can only help to keep things smooth and flowing nicely.
Perhaps the most important part of the morning routine is breakfast. There’s a long day ahead so be sure that everyone has a proper meal before you leave the house.
Parenting Hacks For A Less Chaotic, More Relaxed Return To School Morning
Don’t be tempted to leave organisation and preparation until the morning. Instead, try to do everything you can do the evening before.
The alarm needs to be set so don’t forget. When you have plenty of time available you’ll not be rushing and tempers will hopefully not become frayed.
Pick your battles. As an example, the kids might have a preference for what they eat at breakfast time so don’t try to experiment with something new and more healthy, at least not on a school day. If you do wish to experiment, it’s best to leave it for the weekend.
Having a rule of absolutely no screen time until everything and everyone is completely ready makes good sense as it will reduce a whole lot of potential nagging time.
Make Online Tutoring With Achieving Success Part Of Your Back To School Routine
Online tuition with Achieving Success has been the perfect path to success for hundreds of children across Birmingham in recent years. We provide the highest levels of teaching to all our students and offer support and guidance whenever needed. If you’d like to supplement your child’s current study schedule, look no further than Achieving Success. If you’re particularly interested in helping your child take their English learning to the next lesson, read our article: How To Make The Most Of Your Child’s Online English Lessons.
We offer online tuition across the UK – covering 11 Plus Mock Exams, GCSE tuition, holiday workshops and more – plus face-to-face tutoring at our tuition centres in Birmingham. All our courses follow the relevant curriculum, with all teaching completed by fully qualified teachers chosen for their ability to deliver clear and concise instruction while embodying all the values we strive to deliver at Achieving Success.
For further information on all our services, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of our helpful team on 0121 769 2795, or alternatively, email us at info@achieving-success.co.uk. We look forward to taking your call!